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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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>girl starts sitting by me in class
>talks to me a lot
>pretty obvious she likes me
>start thinking about her
>remember that i'm scared of intimacy and wouldn't put in the effort required for a relationship
>realize that a relationship in general scares me
>eventually act cold to her
>she sits somewhere else after a few days of yes and no answers.
>overhear her a few days later after class
>"he just stopped talking to me out of nowhere, i was just annoying him i guess"
>immediately leave campus
>cry on the way home in the car
>go home, realize that i'm broken beyond repair
>get really depressed for a few days, don't go to class at all
>all over some roastie who barely talked to me

why am i like this. i can't even call myself a robot because i had a chance. i don't even care about a chance at this point.


Who are you quoting?




Well don't.


Why not

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