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You can grow taller. Dont listen to these kuttas.

The only problem is whether your growth plates have fused or not. Some fuse early like 17 but I know guys who have grown taller into their mid 20s.

If they have fused, the max you could do is increase the cartilage between your spine segments, your posture, and flat feet if you have them.

For the spine you simply hang off a bar. Use straps cause you're all weaklings anyway who cant hold onto a bar for longer than a minute. Move your hips around sometimes to loosen up your scrunched up lower back from abusing the big 3 lifts every session.

You MIGHT add 1-2 inches to your spine max, but no guarantees, could only be 1cm. This isnt the height difference between morning and evening, this will be added to how tall you are on average. Let's say from 5"9 morning 5"8 evening to 5"10/11 morning 5"9/10 evening.

Fixing flat feet add an arch to your foot. This is guaranteed to add 1cm, maybe 2, to your height. I had a single flat foot, and when ever I forced an arch I was 1cm taller. Fixing the arch kept that 1cm lmao.

Posture is standard procedure. Most of you think you have good posture, but in fact probably are slightly hunched with your head drooping forward like an incel. Fixing this would probably add 1-2cm to your height, but no point straining yourself to be fully straight just for a bit of height.

Now if your growth plates aren't fused you can actually have your bones grow longer by doing the hanging. I can't tell you how much you'd grow with unfused plates since your bones might not give a shit about a little bit of hanging.

Diet wise, a fasting lifestyle, with fasts longer than 24 hours between meals and dont eat near bed time. Gotta keep GH high, right babe? Get off 4chan and get your sleep.

If you're scared you might not gain anything fron the hanging and end up wasting time, do leg raises while you're up there. At least you'll get killer abs that will overshadow your lack of manlines- height*.

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