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paid a girl 70 dollars to finish all my assignments. she literally did them in less than 2 hours and got 100 on all of them.

it takes me like 9 hours to do them and i dont even get perfect scores, i feel retarded now


How are you going to work in real life if you cheated?


by cheating in rael life too


You only hurt yourself in the long run.


the point of the assignments is to learn and grow. they are supposed to be hard, and to involve shit you're not 100% sure about and have to study/review for
obviously someone who has already been through the process and learned the material will have a faster and easier time, but she gains nothing from doing it (except 70 dollars)


bruh it was due at midnight i wasnt gonna finish im gonna go over it for the final anyway


that's why you start working on things before the day right before they're due
you'll learn more too and have a much easier time with the final


i have adhdpi i cant do that


Maybe you should not be at university then.

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