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File: 1523684752087.webm (9.43 MB, 648x960, f_1.webm)


Why cant I upload vorbis audio?


File: 1523684920707.jpg (287.59 KB, 700x1051, 0001.jpg)

is that your fa;;iing audio file



This is a bug related to ffmpeg/vichan. I will work on it. Causing me a bit of anxiety really. There's very little support.



I'm going to ask you guys for help.

The problem is in this file.


The error "invalidwebm" is triggered on line 39, this is because for some reason, with certain webms the video's width and height (resolution) can't be defined. I imagine neither the duration or anything else isn't properly parsed for some reason.


I believe this is the same bug, as I cannot even transcode these certain webms with ffmpeg locally, while copying the video stream. I get the error "Invalid return value 0 for stream protocol" when running something like this:

ffmpeg -i in.webm -c copy out.webm

This is the same issue. I believe this is the problem, I will look into it.


I believe this will be fixed by an ffmpeg upgrade/downgrade, or building my own ffmpeg.


File: 1523690997566.webm (1.57 MB, 1280x720, baka.webm)



File: 1523691351857.webm (Spoiler Image, 7.68 MB, 512x288, nazi idolmaster.webm)

Ok so apparently some (most?) vorbis webms work.

This might not have anything to do with vorbis, it might be certain webms encoded in a way that isn't compatible with a newer ffmpeg ABI/API.

I am not exactly sure what is the problem, it has to do with ffmpeg though.


File: 1523693327991.webm (3.81 MB, 480x360, 1520553331632.webm)

One difference I am noticing with a webm that doesn't work is the audio is indexed before the video.

Stream 0:0 = audio
Stream 0:1 = video

The working webms are sorted like:

Stream 0:0 = video
Stream 0:1 = audio

The vast majority of webms have video indexed before audio, it is the default of ffmpeg (based) software. I am not sure if this is even a problem. I only have one webm I know doesn't work, and it has it's audio indexed before the video.

If anyone has anymore webms that won't work, please provide them. Upload them here if you need a file upload site: https://mixtape.moe/


File: 1523693956007.webm (3.78 MB, 640x360, 1521801692411.webm)

A non-working webm: https://my.mixtape.moe/ixpyty.webm

This webm also does not work on no-you, merorin, or probably any other Vichan-based imageboard.

I am beginning to think the problem is that Vichan simply won't except video files if the audio is indexed before the video.

The vast majority of video files have the video indexed before the audio though, I don't know what kind of software creates video files otherwise.

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