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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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How do I stop being a disgusting toxic narcissist


Please don't shitpost with beautiful pictures


Shut up



That image is ruined anyway.


by the gun right?


No, because a drug user posted it before.


Alice in Wonderland has drug use in it, and the author was a hebephile.

How ironic that you call this post degenerate >>26776 , but not Alice in Wonderland itself.


I would not say it's ironic at all, I've never read Alice in Wonderland.


Alice wasn't about drugs, it was about poetry


have you looked in the mirror


Because you're a retard who doesn't read


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when the fuck did this happen I don't remember this.


Which is better, an Alice dress or a maid uniform?


I'm pretty bored of french maid uniforms. I don't know why Japan still likes them.


I agree


Ahh, yes that must be it. Because I have not read one book which is of no interest to me in the first place I must not read at all.


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