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Structurally adult male brains are on average 11–12% heavier and 10% bigger than female brains.


girls are dumb and have cooties this is science my dudes


I fucking hate what normie culture has formed "goth" into, like OPs stupid ass image.

People always forget about the REAL goths, post-punkers and new romantics from the late 70s into the 80s. I guess it makes sense, because they were obscure as ever, but they were the "true" testament to what "goths" really were. A darker, more romanticized and poetic version of the punk movement going on at the time. Nowadays, Stacy can put on black lipstick and a black shirt and say she's "goth", and these kids that think steampunk = goth just make me want to vomit. I was never there for the original goth movement of the 80s, but goddamn did they all look so good and have great music and art. This book is a great showcase of what it was like if anyone actually cares.


>People always forget about the REAL goths
>new romantics from the late 70s into the 80s.
New Romantics? The Goths weren't Romans at all.

>late 70s into the 80s

There isn't much information on what the Goths were doing prior to the second century AD.


I fucking hate what normie culture has formed "goth" into, like OPs stupid ass image.

People always forget about the REAL goths, post-Franks and new Germanics from the late 000s into the 500s. I guess it makes sense, because they were obscure as ever, but they were the "true" testament to what "goths" really were. A darker, more romanticized and poetic version of the Suebi movement going on at the time. Nowadays, Avila can put on a mail shirt and a sword and say she's "goth", and these kids that think Vandal = goth just make me want to vomit. I was never there for the original goth movement of the 000s, but goddamn did they all look so good and have great music and art. This book is a great showcase of what it was like if anyone actually cares.


Vandals were a similar Germanic tribe.

The word "vandalize" comes from them, because of their destructive nature.


I agree, but what's goth about the image?


I just copy pasted from/fa


>because of their desctructive nature
They weren't any more destructive than any other group of ancient warriors. They just fucked up the Romans so it became a Latin word.


Why didn't they call it hannibalize instead? He fucked their shit up a bit too!

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