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whatmin why does everyone hate me and exile and ban me from everywhere i go since i was 6


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Eccentricity. Inability to conform to acceptable social behaviors and dialogue.

Why direct questions specifically at me? Other users can answer.


I'm so worthless


Okay whatmin say I'm a hot guy do you think girls will want to date me even though I'm a total loner and act like Jeb bush to others and am exiled and hated by everyone like I am here


Doesn't even matter if you're Chad if you're a broke NEET with no friends.

Even being in college with no money, if you have no male friends, to women that means no other men respect you, and you don't have any social power or status.

Understanding what females want is easy. You need financial status, and social status really helps. If you have no social status it is crippling your chances with females, unless you start making a lot of money.

Looks mean almost nothing compared to financial/social status.

This is where I disagree with most of the incel community.


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Also having a lump sum of money in stocks/crypto/savings doesn't mean anything to women, unless it's very large, like $400,000+, or combined with reliable income.

When I say financial status, I mean reliable self-made income. Like you getting paid $50,000 a year for your job.

This is what allows women to see you as a dependable provider, and thus meeting the minimum requirements for an eligible partner (In the adult world, outside of schools).


>means no other men respect you, and you don't have any social power or status.

This is literally me, I act like such an awkward beta jeb IRL no one respects me they act fake nice out of pity. How do I change


Whatever I don't want a girl who only likes me for money anyway I'd rather be alone


How do I do that


I mean that sounds like you aren't very personable and don't have any close friends tho, that is bad right


Just get prostitutes and get a surrogate then if that's all you want


Need a lot of money for that. Prostitutes are nasty, have to wear a condom, and you still get STDs even with the condom.

If I had this much money, I could just get a "girlfriend" or "wife".


Why's you delete your posts


A wife will leave you take half your assets and your children the then force you to pay child support for the rest of your life. Finding a generic woman to have sex with and reproduce will cause you far more misery than you have now


I won't marry a woman unless she understands how unethical and biased the divorce courts are, and actually believes I will kill her if she tries to take my kids away in a divorce, and is okay with that.


Why would any woman be okay with that


Because I have stable income, and she agrees that women divorcing (for no good reason) and destroying lives and families is horrible.


In her view it's mainly your life being destroyed. Literally no Western woman will be loyal to you. Your only hope is finding a third world uggo and be like those old boomers with Filipino 20 year olds


If you have stable income, there is definitely white women who will still marry you even if they believe you'll literally kill them if they try to divorce and get custody/money.


They don't believe you'll actually kill them or be able to. The ZOG state will protect them and give them your money


She might not take your kids and money if you let her date and fuck other men. Would you be a cuckold provider for her? Also she might let you fuck her occasionally but isn't going to give you blowjobs or do the things she does with other men


There's nothing the government could do to prevent me from killing her.

She has to actually believe I'd literally kill her or else I won't marry.

Is this your fetish?


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>She has to actually believe I'd literally kill her or else I won't marry.
My advise for you is to save whatever money you have and move to a poor India village because that's the only place that will let that kind of abusing bullshit to happen.

You're scum and should live with similar people of your kind.


What's so abusive about it?

It's till death do us part. Not "Till I want to fuck Chad, and I also get the kids/house/child-support/alimony".


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>She has to actually believe I'd literally kill her
>I'd literally kill her

You're talking openly about murder like it's nothing serious. You're psychotic and scum.

>It's till death do us part. Not "Till I want to fuck Chad, and I also get the kids/house/child-support/alimony".

Okay let's play with your twisted logic.
She should then have the right to murder you if you so much as look at another woman, drawn or real. Because that would be cheating. You would see it as such, would you not?


>She should then have the right to murder you if you so much as look at another woman, drawn or real. Because that would be cheating.
I actually don't care if she leaves or divorces.

I care if she wants any sort of reward for it, like custody, child-support, alimony, my house, etc.

So not a fair or accurate comparison. Cheating is cheating. Looking at other people isn't cheating.


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>I actually don't care if she leaves or divorces.
>There's nothing the government could do to prevent me from killing her.
Uh huh…sure..

>she wants any sort of reward for it, like custody, child-support, alimony, my house, etc.

Hate to break this too you (not really) but if she put half or more of her money into the house or its belongings, she is entitled to them. Children also have the right to see their Mother as much as the Father.


Love the incelfreak, probably the best poster on the spinoffs. Keep dropping epic redpills on these weeb cucks!


If you don't care why bother marrying her? Just get a surrogate mother


Because that's really expensive cuck-tier, and how am I supposed to regularly have sex?


The only girl who would agree to marry you and we white would be the ugliest fat white trash lard


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fucking this11111111111

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