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File: 1523229342392.png (923.75 KB, 1366x768, 1442761351108.png)


whatmin how do i make my comp8ter look ilke this


File: 1523230522960.png (1.71 MB, 1920x1080, 2017-02-01-110314_1920x108….png)

- Install Linux
- Use a tiling WM with no window decorations
- Change your GTK2 and GTK3 themes
- Change your terminal emulator colors and font
- That file manager is Thunar with the sidebar disabled
- Install a bunch of shitty Firefox addons and/or styles

None of this is complicated at all actually.


>Install a bunch of shitty Firefox addons and/or styles
actually that's probably custom userchrome.css


Yeah I know, and probably not even his, thus install styles.


Where do I get that custom userchrome


File: 1523238421440.png (376.73 KB, 1366x768, 2018-04-08-184501_1366x768….png)


Just a little css will do. I hate ricers with a scathing passion, almost as much as I do hypocritical Unix minimalists, but it's still pretty useful for shrinking chrome, concealing scrollbars (there's no explicit variable for concealing scrollbars, but you can resize your content browser according to theme), so on. Of course, the stupid Arch ricer norms are such dumdums they're lamenting the death of stylish (literal malware that can't be distributed on the Mozilla repo because it violates telemetry guidelines) and don't even realize userChrome.css exists and always has. It's sad, though, that userstyles.org, the true, authentic bastion of deep, web3.0-style customization in the spirit of web1.0 literally needs malicious telemetry frameworks to even load.

I use the userChrome to make Firefox more discreet when using EXWM. It works pretty well. I'm thinking about compiling a guide on all the hacks and tricks not fit for a package or "starter kit" to encourage more people to use EXWM to its full potential, but there's a bug that simply won't be fixed, and it's pretty flagrant, which sucks. I'd love to share my outline, though, if anyone's interested.

It's frustrating how much caret mode sucks in Firefox. I don't even know if there's a way to make the caret look like a block rather than a pipe (|). You can salvage a pretty good array of reasonable keybinds (e.g. C-n not being hardcoded to new window) with simulation keys, but there's no distinction between visual and logical lines.


Also, as far as the OP's pick, the Firefox chrome looks like something from twily's userstyle. I don't know how much of it is applicable anymore, but there are definitely snippets in twily's css that move the address bar in that specific way, delineate the tabs–plus, that colorscheme (solarized?) I think is also similar.


thakn you so much! nthis is actually kind of helpful for me to learn!

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