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you never know how good you have something until it's gone. i deserve to suffer for my sins


You must be the guy who lost money in crypto.

I can sort of relate but with stocks, except I just plan on holding 1 company for several years, I won't lose all my money unless it goes bankrupt. Stocks are much less volatile.


I'd kms if I was watching crypto trade 24/7 and swinging 20% on any given day for no reason.

There's a reason the stock market isn't open 24 hours a day.


I want to kill myself


whatmin how do i deal with this without blowing my head apart


>holding 1 company for several years
Seems like a bad idea unless you have some special insight/knowledge, unavailable to other investors, that this one company is gonna succeed.
The only ways you can really 'beat the market' are knowing something others don't or gambling and getting lucky with unpredictable up-and-down fluctuations.
I'd rather just hold onto big index funds that track the growth of the market as a whole. Instead of trying to beat the market as a tiny part-time player with no special knowledge, just sit tight and play safe. No surprise extra profits when your chosen stocks overperform, but no losses either when a specific company fails or fucks up.


I am fully aware of the risk. I've felt it.

I only want to own this one single company. I know everything there is to know about it. One of the most transparent companies on the market. I've been with it over a year now. I've picked it out of hundreds of other companies I've looked at.

I am aware it could fail, and I'd lose my account. It's not a small company, it's a large mid-cap company.

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