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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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i miss the feeling of being on benzos… i miss my state of mind…

i want to go back… and stay there…….


Take cyanide instead, degenerate.


Worst withdrawals of any drug on Earth. Lasts several months to years. Can die from withdrawals. Extreme anxiety and psychosis. Permanent brain damage.

Long-term prescriptions should be outlawed. Don't ever take them again. You'd be better off getting addicted to opiates.


I already went through that bruh, literally went into paranoid psychosis


I thinking of buying kratom


is the brain damage really permanent though? what specifically is damaged?????????


GABA is fucked for life.

You will be left with permanently heightened anxiety, and sensory disturbances, feeling strange pains in your head and elsewhere. Hard to ever relax.


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jesus christ, this is exactly what happenexd to me. not to mention i've permanently fried my dopamine receptors from the amphetamines, and the ssris fucked with my serotonin and gave me permanent ibs-d

thinking about this shit makes me want to take all your bullying advie and kill myself sometimes


and on top of that all those drugs gave me depression anxiety and retardation i never had before, and they made me a manlet. it makes me so angry


Don't post Akko.


and even more enraging is i didn't want to take them and rebelled against my parents constantly and they essentially forced me to take them, got me admitted into psych wards put me in boot camps and military programs and the drugs basically made me a schizo, being a dumb child i associated the effects on my state of midn with some kind of magical thinking, and withdrawal from them made me worse than i ever was before. i'm totally hopeless and broken that's why i just shitpost on these sites all day, my life is pure misery but i cant kill myslef


Nobody cares idiot


I don't care that you don't care moron


Bump for my what bros


then go and do it


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