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Can someone explain to me why do they do this?

I mean, I get it, I'm 5'8'' and I will never be as physically imposing as a 6 foot tall man. I also understand that when you're a hack of a writer (or an actor) and can't convey command or control, the director might feel the need to make his protagonist "look" like someone who might have those traits naturally. And when you're an actor trying to make it, you say yes to anything.

But when you're already as huge as a star can be, you can easily say "I'm not doing that" and get away with it. So why would they lower themselves (pun intended) to wear those shitty platforms like a drunk skank stumbling out of a bar, or stand in a fucking box? Some even wear them in public, and I can't wrap my mind around how can't they understand that they look immensely more pathetic and insecure than if they said "fuck it, I'm short" and stopped pretending.


I hate being 5'11" so much. I just want to be 6'1"


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