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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1522910640861.jpeg (150.32 KB, 1164x661, img_0.jpeg)


how do i tell whatmin i already have a gf..??


Kill yourself my man


I know you're just talking about some anime girl.

Because if you have a real girlfriend, even a fat ugly one, I'm gonna BEAST

If you prove you have a girlfriend, I will be angrier than I've been in years. I am angry just hypothetically thinking about it.


He's literally mentally retarded. He will die without ever having sex or social interaction that isn't jp spinoffs and will always be labeled as the mentally ill manchild who needs to be drugged and hospitalized for being a retard


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>whatmin literally fuming at the thought someone else gets more pussy than him


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It's not just "someone else", it's specifically you.

If YOU got a girlfriend, I don't know how I would cope with the fact I'm incel.

I would say it's all the neetbux you get, but even then, damn…


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>whatmin crushing on me and getting jely that im having sex and he isnt


How tall are you whatmin


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>He will die without ever having sex or social interaction that isn't jp spinoffs and will always be labeled as the mentally ill manchild
Literally me…


>I know you're just talking about some anime girl.
>Because if you have a real girlfriend,
Uhh… It seems you're implying anime girls can't be "real" girlfriends.


They can't loser.


You mean "they can't lose her"?


"They can (not) lose her."


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