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To set the stage, we are students at a University in California. We met in a class about a year ago and immediately hit it off and have had a great relationship for just about the same amount of time. I really like her, in fact maybe even have stronger feelings than that and was really hoping this relationship could go places. One thing that is very different about us is that she comes from a wickedly wealthy family, her dad is in finance back on the East Coast and they have an incredible amount of money, in fact more money than I thought real people even had. So because of this she can act spoiled at times, but for the most part it’s not too bad. I’m not sure I’ll ever get get used to calling a car service vs an Uber or picking up a bar tab for a dozen friends on her Dads Amex but to her it’s just ordinary life.

Last weekend I went to her hometown on Long Island for her birthday. I was expecting her parents to be really hoigty but they were incredibly down to earth and very welcoming to a kid who grew up in Yuma. I’d never been in a house like that and it was nicer than any building I’d ever been in and it was literally on a private beach.

So the party came and it was incredible and a blast. The time for presents came and my girlfriends Dad ushered everyone out to the driveway where there was a brand new SUV with a bow on it. The house keeper even had these huge novelty scissors to cut the bow.

My girlfriend had a meltdown. I mean like she was 2 years old, someone made her eat her peas meltdown. She was screaming about it wasn’t the right brand, it wasn’t the right model, it even wasn’t the right color. Then she started screaming that she couldn’t drive that piece of shit across the country back to California and that it would just sit here and rest because she didn’t give a fuck anymore. I was in shock I mean mouth on the floor never seen anything like it in my life shock. My parents are super strict but my dad would’ve literally slap me in the face Even at 21 if I would’ve ever spoken to him like that. I was petrified that someone was filming it and it would end up on YouTube because it was that cringe worthy.

For her parents, they didn’t even really react. like I said I would’ve gotten a world of hurt from my parents if I would’ve done that but her parents are kind of like “ there there it’ll be OK will get you the car you want don’t worry about it” type thing. I was in shock at their reaction as much as I was in shock at my girlfriends meltdown. She basically told them to fuck off and she stormed off and ran upstairs and lock yourself in her room for the rest of the night. well her party guess sort of mingled around and chatted and then slowly made their exit. I didn’t see her again until Sunday morning. It was very cool because her younger brother took me into the city to see Manhattan because I’ve never been before so at least I wasn’t totally stuck With nothing to do.

The next morning she didn’t speak to her parents and a car service came and picked us up and took us to the airport. Basically the whole way there she was complaining about what idiots her parents were and how they didn’t appreciate her or even know her. I didn’t know what to say honestly because I was still in shock so I just kind of did the same thing that her parents did and kind of did the like “there there it’ll be OK, it’ll be OK” type thing that a parent would do a spoiled kid. When she finally quieted down on the plane I thought I was really stupid because I figure this is how she’s gotten away with everything her entire life. When we got back to California I went to my apartment, she went to hers and while we’ve texted we both have been busy and I haven’t seen her

My question is this, now that I’ve given you a snapshot of one incident, which is probably the worst incident I’ve ever had with her is there any hope for this relationship? Or am I getting myself in a situation that I will never be able to get out of and I just frankly can’t handle?

Tl;dr: my girlfriend had an epic meltdown when her parents didn’t buy her the right car for her birthday. I really like but do I just not ignore the signs and run away?

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