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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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There's nothing wrong with being racist. There is factual scientific evidence to back racism.


People need to openly accept being called racist to take away the power of the word.

They should say "yeah I'm racist, so what".

And then give arguments and proof as to how races are different, and not equal from a biological standpoint.


You will get the shit beaten out of you or be recorded and laughed at


This is why we need to take power away from the word "racist".

The idea that racism or being racist is bad, needs to become obsolete.

People should be proudly realistic about the differences between race. If they get called racist, they should proudly accept it, not try to deny it.

Everytime a liberal or non-white calls something ridiculous and trivial "racist", it further takes power away from the word. Keep calling harmless jokes "racist". If everything is racist, people will stop caring if they're considered racist. It doesn't matter if everything is racist.


shitsobro will just keep making shitty threads like this until you ban him


Cry more fag gonna make another just for you


It's never gonna happen because you guys have zero confidence


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That's pretty funny coming from pussy liberals who fall apart when they don't get their way! LMAO

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