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i've had issues falling, staying, and waking up for years now and every time one issue goes away another one pops up days later. its not the root of my depression but it certainly makes it worse because now i'm so tired all the time and it's impossible to get anything done.
> be me 16 at the time, try going to sleep. hear loud crash and screaming. freak out but nothing seems to have happened. shit like this happens multiple times a night every night for almost a year.
>it finally stops
>start to hear voices when trying to go to sleep and people shouting my name. goes on for months
>start to hear people saying my name and suddenly feel like someone's choking the shit out of me and my bed.
>thank god it stops
>start to have night terrors, but doesn't go on for long
> tells someone about my sleeping problem, they use the ol' ghost meme.
> every morning when my alarm goes off i'll sit up in bed not knowing what's going on and making that noise while hearing voices and seeing shit. takes months till it stops
> start to wake of with terrible headaches along with what felt like screaming in my head. goes on for a year
> wake up in the middle of the night and see spooky shit like bugs all over the room one a snake slithering around or my little brother throwing shit and making a ruckus, one time saw a mouse and roach playing house in a cardboard doll set, usually just ghost niggas hovering around.
> for a little while i have just casual insomnia
>now i don't have trouble falling asleep but i'll have really sad dreams and nightmares that will wake me up and make me cry for hours.

and this is on top off all my regular depression issues. no one is even trying to help me seriously and they just brush me off and say get help, but it's because they honestly don't care about my problems.
(pic unrelated, just kinda sad that winter is over)


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