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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Why do news reporters talk like that? Is it Masonic occultic techniques of mine control?



Don't see how speech would control a mine. All you have to do is not step on it.


People have similar speech patterns depending on where they are from, who would have thought?


But these people are from all over the nation.


From all over one nation.


Nobody talk like that in real life you retard


They are members of real life though…


One nation that has many accents and spans a distance larger than continental Europe.


From an outsiders perspective they are all practically the same and they all speak Bastardised English or Spanish, Australia is quite big too, so is Canada.


These people are all saying the same things because they are all owned by the same company which is forcing its script on them.
A company named Sinclair recently bribed the US FCC to reduce the regulations on cable monopolies, and is now buying up all the local TV news stations they can. They now have approximately 50% of the US TV news audience, which would have been illegal before the FCC rules changes.


okay retards but what does this have to do with the weird way they are trained to speak on air

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