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I can't do it


Is being homeless really so bad?

You don't want to see how the world turns out?

Might be some pretty big geopolitical and major political changes that are worth witnessing in these next few decades…


I lost so much money in crypto and can't even talk to my roommates



You're so fucking stupid fuck off


Being homeless would be fun if I could somehow keep my computer in a safe environment with power and electricity but then you are not really homeless as that would require a home.


Live in a van with phone internet, unlimited data plan, and a PC tethered to it. Have solar panels connected to batteries for electricity.

Yeah you need money for this but some homeless people have money.


Then the van is my home.


Car homeless is still homeless.

If you lived in a tent under a bridge would that still be your home?


if you can put a computer in it and it will be safe and can be run then it is a home, it would not be safe in a tent and it would not fit in a car.


Why would you need a computer that ties you down to a set location if you are homeless. Find a smartphone and steal free wifi.


You can't play proper games and the screen isn't big enough.


> steal free wifi.
Is that like stealing balloons on free balloon day?


Ok, but 99% of other people consider anyone living in a car or van to be homeless.

> it would not fit in a car.

Do you only drive clown cars in your country?


You guys know laptops exist right,? LMAO


even if it does, so what? how does that affect my and my own soul

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