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File: 1522550624078.gif (1019.51 KB, 500x357, 4e876120cbe14a359b42de2648….gif)


whatmin i have a bunc hof assignments due but i cant focus. how do i gain the discipline to do my work


File: 1522551362436.gif (2.97 MB, 744x552, ff6150db039f2264197b82d318….gif)

Become NEET.

Why are you in college instead of apprenticeship at a local guild for real skills like bricklaying or electric wiring?




because that's physical labor and scary. and i dont have the option of "becoming neet". being in uni is the closest thing to being a shutin, i dont have to get a job and unis treat you less cruelly and more like children than the "real world" does.


Who is paying for this?

I hope you're getting a full tuition for free, and aren't going into debt.

I wish things were as simple as just joining a local guild, like they used to be.

Or at least college was like Oxford 1000 years ago, rather than today's bullshit.


yeah i have a scholarship thats why im here


What subject are you wasting their money on?




You copying Trevor?

Tell me ONE thing you know about biology that I don't already know.


probably nothing honestly. i like neuropsych

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