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/what/ - ...

The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1459756931709.png (2.71 MB, 2301x1718, 57b5fce6910c0d8e8af656a4a9….png)


Guys I'm probably gonna shut down /what/-chan. It's had a good run.

It will always be something I remember. Thank you to anyone who posted here.


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A… a-april foooools'?


File: 1459758188804.jpg (391.84 KB, 600x850, 1447861193749.jpg)

It all returns into nothing….

Tumbling down….

Tumbling down….

Tumbling doooown….



Thank you for creating this site I hope you are doing well.


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i hate all of you.

ever since i started posting on /what/ i've only ever gotten sadder and lonelier and gayer.

this is the first image i ever posted here and it'll be my last too.

i hope all of you die soon so we can try again in the next life.


/whart/-ch will ded nxt yr 4 sho. no remi, no gropes, no LC, no goobly, no 4Pcute. All ded with rain like time in the tears.

you need to be a real friggen idiot to think anything would last forever, especially a relationship.
Death is an inevitable ending to every /what/friend. Death in itself is not a tragedy. Tragedies are things that can't be foreseen.
This means that, at most, it is only the manner in which someone dies that could be tragic - not death itself.
I think that once you start realizing this, you'll be less anxious about death, less "deathphobic", and live your life in much less fear.

If you're some ugly gross faggot trying to be "cute" and "girly" you should just kill yourself and reroll your character.

If you ever get around to killing yourself, God will forgive you anyway.

don't forget to check out /neet/ again guys! -/neet/min


Please don't


File: 1459759268171.png (27.97 KB, 263x234, 2014-08-08-064236_263x234_….png)

thanks for everything /what/min. this is probably for the best. I'll remember the good parts of /what/ fondly


please don't I won't gaypost anymore I like /what/ I love /what/ I feel at home here


Even though I hate what /what/ has become I'm still going to fondly remember the times I spent here especially the gayless ones.


it was always fucking gay you homo denier.


You have probably never visited on gayless days though granted it was a long time ago.


I'm sorry to hear that. I wish it didn't come to this but thank you for everything /what/min.


someone post mikan tabetai girl to save the board!


no capcode, it's a trick!


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Homos are an odd bunch, aren't they?


So is OP really whatmin or not?


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No it wasn't, you would need to be pretty dumb to fall for this…


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Today the psych I am going to said I meet the requirements to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria and begin hormone replacement therapy. I'm going to have to wait for an opening with the endocrine clinic but this is still exciting.


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Don't cut it off!


I don't think I am going to I would be fine with just an orchiectomy


Did you make sure to remind him not to diagnose people with imaginary diseases?


gender dysphoria is in the dsm-5 so it counts as not made up and she is a girl so please don't misgender her you shitlord


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Could you at least do 5 minutes of googling before you go and make an ass out of yourself…?



I don't where they put their made up nonsense.




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I'm glad you understand.

*injects you with testosterone*


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>it's in the dsm therefor it's not made up


it was gone but it's back now please don't scare me like that again please



kill yourself


maybe it's for the best after all


Nice post


kill me


kill me while you're at it


Even neetmin is gone forever.
What's even the point.




>>260 what would you do if you

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