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File: 1522344177456.jpg (133.81 KB, 800x600, 1391523375416.jpg)


normies are not self conscious. even some animals can pass the mirror test, but normies can not.

they are less than animals, really. akin to insects. they live by group-think.


File: 1522344300493.jpg (84.18 KB, 646x712, 0507.jpg)

Can I pay normies to post on my /jp/?


Stop following me freak




Long dick nigga ain't fo the small talking no


File: 1522353811071.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1920x1280, image.jpeg)

does this only show up when whatmin deletes shibe or is it just a deleted image


You can delete your own image and it will show up.


how do you proununce shibe??? i say shibeh





I say shaib like the sound after "sh" is the same as "eye", but since the word comes from "shiba" perhaps it should be "sheeb".


Japanese vowels never change.

It is impossible to mispronounce a Japanese word unless you're retarded.


but were speaking enlisuh?


Every human can pass the mirror test idiot, even you.


I doubt he can

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