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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1522303879460.jpg (337.59 KB, 700x898, 1454825896804.jpg)


Best probiotic on the market, and no need to keep refrigerated.
The refrigerated ones r a joke.
If they spoil at room temp of 69F then they r rendered useless in ur body at 98F before they get to ur gut.
Unbelievable how gullible and dumbed down most people r.


File: 1522306068521.jpg (321.93 KB, 1920x1080, 1522302507504.jpg)

I got cucked


These are two different topics what mib


That's like saying milk and yogurt and will go rancid by the time it gets to your stomach because it spoils at room temp.

Unbelievable how retarded you'd have to be to think like this.

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