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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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I think I was better off on the psychiatric drugs they put me on


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I wish I just took them like a good goy instead of rebelling so hard


we're breaking the conditioning!


based teen


They probably fucked your brain up even more and that's why you're like this.

>Giving kids strong neurotoxic drugs like amphetamines everyday for years for a made up disease is medicine


Fucking retard


Yeah there's no hope for me


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Fluoxetine has been the best thing to ever happen to me.
It's all about finding the right medication for your condition…


what other meds have you taken


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Olanzapine, Mirtazapine and two other kinds in the anti-anxiety family that I can't remember the name of.


I guess I'll just go in effexor and Adderall


Why were you inOlanzapine,


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That was the fault of a very bad doctor who had misdiagnosed me with STPD due to his poor judgement and inability to understand my symptoms and wanting to rush me into a fix. After I threatened him with malpractice as well as weeks of arguing for my case I finally got back on track with proper help.

When it ended I got myself real nice perks from the hospital as a settlement for my trauma.


>STPD is classified as a cluster A personality disorder ("odd or eccentric disorders")

This sounds exactly like me.

You know Isaac Newton would have been "diagnosed" with this, and all kinds of other fabricated labels.

Isaac Newton died a virg. Imagine being one of the most intelligent men to ever live, and never getting to feel a vagina even once. Just lmao @ society and women. Literally too smart to communicate with women. I can relate, it's almost like they're literally retarded to me. Smart women just seem like average guys with a really bad arrogant personality.




newton was into occultism and had ADHD-PI he was just like me not you


>Smart women just seem like average guys with a really bad arrogant personality.

theyre not all arrogant but yeah damn


then again im pretty schizoid so i guess it fits


I think the large majority of people on imageboards (except maybe 4chan/b/) could be labeled as "schizoid", "avoidant", or "Cluster A".

Ridiculous pseudoscience, but still they fit the labels.


bruh all the dorknorms at my school go to 4chan you dont realize how mainstream it is now

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