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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1522181124030.jpg (73.61 KB, 720x720, 1361111723462.jpg)


Why am I so unlikable what friends


File: 1522190145038.jpg (143.29 KB, 774x902, 1522179759243.jpg)

The ban isn't permanent.

Don't ever bump an entire 2 pages of old threads again or I'll permaban you for real though, retard.


^learn something from whatmin r9kmlpolincelmeronormteenmin


Don't ever call me a retard again you fake normie retard you're literally worse than the other admins at least they don't pretend to be cool


fagmin was never cool! lmao


File: 1522209203339.jpg (117.52 KB, 704x396, 6e438f5ee528b52b251bd83344….jpg)

If I unban you will you stop intentionally trying to annoy people?

Bumping some old threads is okay. Bumping multiple pages worth of old threads all at once isn't.


The only one here pretending to be anything is you.


I wasn't trying to annoy people idiot I was bumping my own threads to look at later for nostalgia don't call me a retard that hurt my feeling when you said it


Pretending to be what? A retard teenbro like you? Fuck off


Ok I'm sorry for calling you a retard.


You shouldn't feel sorry for that since he's actually retarded


Awwwww Teenbro retard butthurt LMAO


That doesn't seem genuine you were probably smirking when you pressed submit


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