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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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i vow from this moment on not to masturbate


good luck unless you block testosterone or something


its self control not test


I've unintentionally done that a few times. It has to come out somehow though so you just end up having wet dreams after a while.


i lol every time at people who actually have problems with not masturbating

and people who say they do it daily or multiple times a day


t. low test low libido bad health boy




I tried this for awhile, my results were cumming with no orgasm when I began to masturbate again(basically become an ero-manga character with no joy), and ejaculating for no general reason during the 30 days I stopped.




I haven't gone more than 2 days without masturbating since I started when I was 9.

I usually fap 2-4 times a day.


That's not something to be proud of


based teen


fuck off kill yourself


It's proof I'm high T.


You don't have to have high T to have an arousal addiction.


you really don't you are probably balding and have severe inflammation and high cortisol. it;s addiction not high test



Too much testosterone also makes you start balding. Neither low T or high T will make you a chronic masturbator though.


thats a myth its an imbalance of test and est in accordance to your dna


I won't take your word for it.


yeah well you dnot know shit if the cause of baldness was understood baldness would be cured idiot


Then I guess we're both wrong since it's not cured.


no im right everyone is just an idiot liek you who hasnt reached my level yet



File: 1522032184559.webm (2.9 MB, 700x392, vrchat.webm)




I fucked up. Starting over.




Quitting masturbation is easy I did it a thousand times


I jacked off three times in the past 24 hours

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