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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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>Spider silk is five times as strong as the same weight of steel
>Working under the trademark BioSteel, Canadian biotechnology company Nexia successfully produced spider silk protein in transgenic goats that carried the gene for it; the milk produced by the goats contained significant quantities of the protein, 1–2 grams of silk proteins per litre of milk.
>In 2009, two transgenic goats were sold to the Canada Agriculture Museum after Nexia Biotechnologies went bankrupt

That's fucking cyberpunk.


Anyway I was gonna buy an all-silk outfit and wear it as my only outfit. Is this autism?



I think the current developments are genetically modified silkworms that produce spider silk (spider silk is stronger than regular silkworm silk).

They're thinking that, in lieu of kevlar and other synthetic fibers, there might be applications for it in things like body armor and sports equipment.

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