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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Did you install Ubuntu yet? The operating system ran by UK authorities through a proxy company called Canonical.

If you use our system, you can get all the free "Cheese Pizza" you want if you know what I mean…


No I use Arch Linux.


1) Refused to embrace systemd in favor of their own custom init daemon "Upstart"
2) Refuses to embrace Wayland in favor of their own custom alternative "Mir"
3) Amazon ads in the interface

My main problems, these guys are doing everything they can to fuck shit up.


Why do you use arch instead of gentoo?


More developer and community support.

With Gentoo everyone is basically running a completely custom system, with custom binaries, and packages compiled with practically infinite possible combinations of options (features enabled/disabled at compile time through USE flags).

This is fun, but highly chaotic, not good for stability or support.

Binary distros have thousands of people using the same exact set of binaries, if you have a problem, you can bet hundreds or thousands of other people do too, and the problem is going to be fixed or be made known.

Gentoo also has a lack of support. Sometimes ebuilds go months without getting simple fixes that are needed. Many poorly maintained ebuilds.

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