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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1521367439620.jpg (365.23 KB, 1018x1071, 1485965890483.jpg)


if yo girl cheats on you you deserve it

if she leaves you you deserve it

take responsibility for hte loser you are so you can change


someone post the thinking sakurako image where she is doing the same gesture!


File: 1521390982414.jpg (26.42 KB, 283x314, hmm.jpg)

This is from pig disgusting 3rd season though…


After all, women don't take responsibility for anything. And yet they have more rights than you do.

What a fair world……..


Hitler tried to save us


If the American men who fought in WW2 knew what the 21st century would look like, they would have fought for the nazis or communists.

During the cold war era, the capitalist elite was afraid of a communist revolution in America, that's why they allowed the middle class to have such good lives under the capitalist system during the cold war.


>If the American men who fought in WW2 knew what the 21st century would look like, they would have fought for the nazis or communists.
I think my grandfather would disagree…


Could your grandpa see the future?

Because he lived through cold war propaganda and the part of America when capitalism was good.

He's out of touch.


say that to my face and not online motherfucker



He's actually pretty sharp for a nonagenarian.


why did you delete your post


yeah im sure he's pro gay and pro women cuckolding and emasculating men


>im sure he's pro gay
I'm sure doesn't care much either way
>and pro women cuckolding and emasculating men
He's definitely not pro these.


he isn't real and he probably would care if he were alive and since he's not pro matriarchy he would have fought alongside hitler against The Jews' dog America

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