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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Atheism hate thread.




File: 1521152355437.jpg (33.74 KB, 497x385, bfb8f6dc350873683c1daa0c90….jpg)

Whatmin your deeply rooted need to believe a higher power is taking care of you is just a psychological defense mechanism. You're withdrawing from reality, eschewing the facts laid bare before you and retreating into your own petty little fantasies. The cosmos is and has always been utterly indifferent.


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whoops looks like there are things science can't explain



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There are things humans can't explain yet? Really..? Science is not a religion, it doesn't presume to know everything.


mathematics isn't science, dolt.


Looks like the brainlet that needs validation from insipid quotes from meme atheists didn't even read the article.


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How is this guy famous?

He's basically your average fedora tipper on the internet.


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