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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1521049263719.jpg (515.76 KB, 874x647, Asian_women_2.jpg)


Do you want children


File: 1521049703564.jpg (81.3 KB, 750x1014, ou1xev-960.jpg)

Only if I get to groom them into this and then fuck them.


Did that used to be a boy


Yes, but all women are whores and won't even have sex with you unless you have money or you're in school to get money in the future

let alone have kids with you (on purpose) without money.


Can you blame them? I wouldn't want to date an uneducated poorfag woman it's a turn off


You want to date a college "educated" woman? Are you retarded?


Not all girls are liberal studies majors there are female lawyers and doctors


grr women grr evil stacy




Is that bad


only white women

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