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File: 1521021064094.jpg (196.34 KB, 1440x1080, [Sephirotic] Evangelion - ….jpg)


Why did he take his wife's last name?


I never saw that so I don't know the context but it was not unheard of for that to happen in Japan. If a clan only had daughters and no male from the same clan to marry her of to she would have to marry somebody outside the clan who would then take her name so the clan did not disappear, either that or she would adopt a child.


why haven't you seen it? what's wrong with you? why are you on an anime imageboard?


I don't like mecha anime.


that's like comparing 2001 a space oddysey to transformers




I haven't seen either of them.

>When families would find themselves lacking either a capable male heir or a son altogether, they would turn to adoption by marrying a man to one of their daughters, or just merely taking them into their household. It was a way for families to ensure the continuity of a reliable male line that would take over as the family head and sometimes the head of the family business



What the fuck haveyou seen


All throughout history, everyone still knew women were basically retarded, and you coudn't trust them to run the family business.


What about misato and shinjis mom

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