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File: 1463024774824.png (680.12 KB, 1258x480, moe icecream.png)


萌木野 (moegino)
moe icecream shoppe by the sea!

I took a note when i was on the train that there was a nice town somewhere "between yasuura and kazahaya" and i finally looked it up. It looks ii ne, let's all meet up there one day and eat ice cream.




I work at that Propane Supplier, I tell ya what, so I can meet you fellas for ice cream any time.


How is your trip to Japan?


Can you give me a job?


hand or blow?




gross, i'm out



good job faggot


Seriously wish I lived in Japan. Not because I want to be a chink or because I think they have superior culture, but just because it's so fucking pretty. Even that picture of some cookie cutter bullshit ice cream shop looks 100 times better than where I'm from


I find places like northern europe far more pretty


Where are you from?


yes frozen boglands are so pretty


scandinavian forests are really pretty, not everything is frozen

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