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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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“As for the previous Evangelion, many people took what I made as ‘entertainment’ and turned it into a ‘target of dependence.’ I wanted to take responsibility for those people becoming impudent. I wanted to bring the work back to the level of entertainment. However, I’ve started to pull back from that subject (criticizing ‘escapist otaku.’) Those kind of people don’t understand, no matter what you say. I finally realized there’s nothing you can do.”


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anno and miyazaki are NORMS


Hack Vs Hack


I agree with him. If you make something as dumb as anime a big part of your identity you should kill yourself.


>I agree with him
Those are trollsubs. He didn't say that.


kill yourself? dont you think that's a bit over the top bruh? jeez


Did this just not translate to English well?

Because it makes no hecking sense. wtf is he trying to say?


T. Retard


The translator likely was not a native English speaker. Either that or it was a machine.


If you say "bruh" you should double kill yourself.


Bruh…. You need to get laid


Sure, I can agree with that. I need to get laid and you need to kill yourself. Glad we're on the same page now.


Bruh you're bitter because you've never had sex


We've settled things already. I'll go have sex and you'll go kill yourself. Stop responding to me and keep your end of the bargain.


Bruh you haven't been able to have sex in twenty some years how you gonna have sex right now lmao????

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