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File: 1520246726521.jpg (171.58 KB, 1123x2172, 1505803294685.jpg)


whatmin autosaged my saber thread..


File: 1520250508899.png (215.26 KB, 853x480, saber tooth.png)

If you didn't start the OP with a NSFW image I wouldn't have.

I unsaged it now.


Woah blast from the past those good old gnfos days


File: 1520365866533.gif (8.05 MB, 848x480, 62b416cbd8b537521fd33af83e….gif)

>when whatmin uses your image


Whatmin changes his moral views all the time. First he said he'd never ban me than he rangebanned me, then someone posted a lain nude image that looked like pedo shit and someone at my college saw it when he came to say hi to me, and whatmin was like maybe you should just explain creepy weeb culture to a norm wtf???? now he blocks nsfw which is better but like


Why do you type like a teenage girl?


because i am a girl


prove it



I figured you'd say no, man. I mean, bro, come on.


Okay it's better that way

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