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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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God, cars are terrifying. This is why I will never drive.



How do you get places


I just have Scotty beam me


That's not possible


This inspired me to DDG some statistics, and here are some:
- Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day.
- An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled.



Will botnet cars save us


Error: You must have firmware version 3.2 or greater to legally drive on United States roads, please connect to the internet and upgrade your firmware

>thousands of different cars

>new firmware has bug on certain models of cars

Version 3.3 changelog:

- Fixed bluetooth compatibility with iPhone 12
- Updated road layouts, including a closed bridge that 8 people were driven off
- Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect amount of steering to be applied on certain highway exits, causing potentially fatal crashes


idk i found this article which talks about it

it has this fact which is kind of unsettling:
>even a reduction [of traffic fatalities] by half would save many more lives than the abolition of murder and war.


Driverless cars are so scary


>- Updated road layouts, including a closed bridge that 8 people were driven off
>- Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect amount of steering to be applied on certain highway exits, causing potentially fatal crashes
Here's the thing: would you be OK with traffic fatalities being reduced by 75% if the remaining 25% is due to programmer bugs and the like?


I've owned old GPS's that will just show you driving in corn fields on new highways or off ramps.



if it causes crashes that might seem avoidable to us but the overall number of crashes is significantly less, then it's doing a better job than regular drivers. crunching the actual numbers would tell the story, but of course no one would test it like that.


By not living in the middle of nowhere.


I don't need to get places.


You walk? Do you live in Manhattan?


most countries have decent public transportation


Oh you're in Europe so you take trains


I'm not him, I'm just one of the few Americans who know that America isn't the only country in the world.


Most countries don't have good public transportation


I didn't say that they did.


>I think I was aware of my heterosexuality before I was aware of my bisexuality, only because it was more acceptable in my surroundings growing up. You see, I’m not entirely gay and I’m not entirely straight. I consider myself to be truly bisexual. I have a girlfriend at the moment and I have a boyfriend. They both live with me in my house, and they get along fantastically.


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Wanna help fund me?

I accept donations. I've never trademarked my image ( so you, the fan, can continue your mad movies and anime/creations ). I do this as well as travel internationally as a good will ( free ) ambassador for all of You, and tour to help spread our cause. All your help is appreciated! 10, 20, 50, 100 dollars..it all adds up and your donation helps!

Lets keep this going!
Thank you


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