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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Saw a pipe leak in the kitchen and called a plumber. He has a Hispanic name and a sexy sounding voice. I'm having fantasies of being fucked by the Mexican plumber like it's a porno.




For any non-Americans here, 99% of Mexicans here are disgusting.

Think about Mexico, then think of the Mexicans that would abandon their country, mostly illegally. That's the Mexican population in America.


is he fat and has a greasy moustache


How do you look in a skirt




r9kpol leave


This, braindead racist retards


>Think about Mexico, then think of the Mexicans that would abandon their country
Mexico isn't really that great, I'd abandon it in a heartbeat.


Being gay must be pure hell


Kill all fags am I right bro? Degenerates!




Let's beat and rape them! Fucking faggots!


Maybe just rape them if they are boys that look like girls and they say it's okay.


Yeah fuck that faggots asshole bro!

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