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File: 1516860562658.png (94.75 KB, 1487x994, 66953336_p4.png)



File: 1516887382848.jpg (319.5 KB, 1000x800, 1505976586045.jpg)

Woah, I played a 3D Yume Nikki fangame before, it was kind of good, but it was incomplete and different from the original game.

You think this will be good?


Is it free


But yes, it can be ;)


File: 1516901199600.png (127.97 KB, 581x443, nip nong ching chong.png)

What is 1980 ching chong money to bitcoin?


Hopeful, but skeptical. It has a lot to live up to and likely nothing will live up to the original due to nostalgia and timing.


File: 1517012184588.jpg (39.39 KB, 600x337, ss_d16554a9090d4866b99b98c….jpg)

At first, I thought the game was gonna be okay, being a tribute and everything. But then I saw pic related so now my expectations have lowered… ugh


File: 1517013056752.jpg (Spoiler Image, 20.06 KB, 252x600, 1368653675984.jpg)

Never get your expectations too high.

If you keep your expectations low, you might enjoy it.


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