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File: 1516001932379.png (425.5 KB, 700x700, __kuroki_tomoko_watashi_ga….png)


Tomoko be blazing it up


File: 1516012462570.jpg (136.61 KB, 850x602, sample_fdbfda4365580754832….jpg)

careful, they hang people for that in japan


Honestly, legal/tolerated cannabis would be a disaster for Japan.

If they think the NEET/hikikomori problem is bad now…


It might have the opposite effect and turn them into brain-dead drones to be used for menial labour like in North Korea.


Let's compare America and North Korea

- America
>Struggle and beg for the privilege of working at McDonalds
>Not paid enough to afford your own house
>Not paid enough to afford a wife or children
>Even if you did get a gf/wife, she is almost guaranteed to be a used-up whore, non-virgin, with some sort of STD (HPV at the least, which causes cancer)
>Divorce courts reward women for divorce, she's highly likely to divorce you, take half your shit and the kids, you will have to pay her money for stealing your kids while she fucks some other guy
>Forced to die alone without ever starting a family, because chances are you will never be able to raise your socioeconomic status high enough to do so
>If you can't get a job, you become homeless
>Degenerate as hell

- North Korea
>Guaranteed a respected place in society
>EVERY man gets his own house
>EVERY man can afford a wife and to start a family
>Wife is probably virgin.
>No cucked divorce laws, women not rewarded for divorce, women punished for cheating, can be reasonably sure that your wife won't divorce or cheat
>Racially homogeneous
>Very low crime rates
>No internet/smartphones, real life is more fun
>Get government-issued coupons to go to the water park, ski resort, bars, restaurants, etc.
>Weed is legal

Who is really the drone? I would have been much happier with my life if I was born in North Korea.


Do they go to Disneyland in the new chapters? I must be far behind then.


mgtow incelr9k garbage post, ignore.


would you let your wife fuck men more alpha than you? does it turn you on?


shitcelr9k reverting to strawman, you can safely ignore this one too


How are you NOT incel/r9k?

How do you not relate at all? Do you have a girlfriend? Did girls like you? Was your life not hard?


surprisingly some people choose to not make a big deal about it. why mope and complain about it when you can just ignore it and find other things in life that make you happy


Let other people be aware of the injustice.


Looks like Kim Jong-un is shilling his country here again.


yes, it's just an autistic yuri sol now though


File: 1516105604224.png (341.04 KB, 604x592, tomoko high.png)



yeah, that sure sounds great. too bad there won't be no food for you to live with and actually be able to do all that stuff



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