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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Is that a Logitech G400?


no its my otaku den


How does it feel knowing that no matter what aspect of white male culture you seek refuge in, be it video games, comic books, or the coding world, it eventually gets subsumed by the SJW culture that used to mock it?


How does it feel knowing the SJW boogeyman isn't the cause of all your problems?


You play dumb to the cult infecting mediums of art because you are part of it and support it.


waaah why is there a black protag in my video games this is the sjws fault!!!


I don't have any problem with this, solely because I trust the market to punish them for it.

I get to see these businesses go broke trying to sell games that push political ideologies that the vast majority of the gaming community doesn't like.


Actually, I just looked at the sales for Battlefield 1 and Wolfenstein 2, free market has failed

Wolfenstein 2 in particular is like a lethal injection of soy, I am sad that people buy it.


How was it a lethal injection of soy


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>the coding world
At least the programming world is safe.


go the FUCK back to 4chan


Is this because you like miso soup?

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