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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1515286823450.png (275.25 KB, 899x785, 1515216622216.png)


Wasn't Dani complaining about AMD PSP being a backdoor months ago here?

Looks like you were proven right.



what else did dani complain about


at least it can't give whatmin your entire memory with one simple trick



who cares about that chinless freak


>may allow unauthorized disclosure of information to an attacker with local user access

This means they need to have a user account on your Windows or Linux PC.


Or they could, you know, get YOU to run the program for them.


If they could do that, they wouldn't need this exploit, they could already do whatever they want.

I don't understand how Windows users aren't paranoid, the default way of installing software is "Run this binary you found on some website, also there's no source code available".

I would never recommend someone do banking/email on a Windows machine, unless it was dedicated to only doing that.


>Run this binary you found on some website,
Or go to some website and have the JS load automatically.


yeah but before he said that I said PSP was probably susceptible to the same microcode shit >>21149

i dont remember where my original post was, but it was probably in response to one of his stupid amd > intel posts.


No one can really harm you with javascript unless they have a major exploit in your browser.

If you know of an exploit in Firefox/Chrome that would allow javascript to do anything outside of the browser, there's people who would pay thousands for that.




Scared to click on this.


Yeah, the amd/intel dichotomy is obnoxious, especially when we, the consumer, lose either way by patronizing publicly traded companies whose only incentive is to drain our wallets as much as possible.


>unless they have a major exploit in your browser.
Why give them the chance? Plus spectre works in-browser without a browser exploit.

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