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The UN Security Council has passed a number of resolutions since North Korea's first nuclear test in 2006.[1]

Resolution 1718 in 2006 demanded that North Korea cease nuclear testing and prohibited the export to North Korea of some military supplies and luxury goods

Resolution 2087, passed in January 2013 after a satellite launch, strengthened previous sanctions by clarifying a state’s right to seize and destroy cargo suspected of heading to or from North Korea for purposes of research and development.[3][1]

Resolution 2094 was passed in March 2013 after the third nuclear test. It imposed sanctions on money transfers and aimed to shut North Korea out of the international financial system.[3][1]

Resolution 2371, passed in August 2017, banned all exports of coal, iron, lead, and seafood. The resolution also imposed new restrictions on North Korea’s Foreign Trade Bank and prohibited any increase in the number of North Koreans working in foreign countries.[13]

Resolution 2375, passed on September 11 2017, limited North Korean crude oil and refined petroleum product imports, banned joint ventures, textile exports, natural gas condensate and liquid imports, and banned North Korean nationals from traveling abroad in other countries.[14]

>North Korea is starving!! must be communism….


At the very least the people can rest easy knowing their glorious leader is eating well.


North Korea actually looks great to live in.

Compare being a poor man in America, to an average citizen in the DPRK, and I would rather be the DPRK citizen every time.

Guaranteed a job, a place in society, and compensated better than the vast majority of Americans for your work.

Unlike in American capitalism, in exchange you will get:

- Your own house
- Your own wife
- No feminism, wife is almost guaranteed not to cheat or divorce, no getting raped in divorce court
- Your own kids, get to pass on your genes
- Strong communities and social bonds, largely because there is no internet or smartphones
- Beautiful nature, local farms and food everywhere, plenty of free time to go snowboarding, waterpark, beach, etc.



Sure thing, Kim. I'll defect right now.


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Reading that link distinctly reminds of this. Comically fake.


why doesn't he stop making nukes then? checkmate


They have been starving since the 90s, and that was a time when North Korea was China's spoiled child. The North Korean economy more or less developed, at least to the point of eliminating starvation, and these sanctions pose little to no threat to the North Korean system of power.


Also, the whole reason why there was major starvation was because when the USSR fell, farmers in East Russia could no longer export their produce to North Korea.

Why did you make this thread here? What does it have to do with /jp/? I had thought it was something in the lines of ``guys I'm scared will Korea nuke Japan??''

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