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Video game overlord Intel is cucking you again

>Built into many Intel® Chipset–based platforms is a small, low-power computer subsystem called the Intel® Management Engine (Intel® ME). The Intel® ME performs various tasks while the system is in sleep, during the boot process, and when your system is running.

>By design, Intel ME has access to the other sub-systems of the motherboard. Including the RAM, network devices, and cryptographic engine. And that as long as the motherboard is powered. In addition, it can directly access the network interface using a dedicated link for out-of-band communication, thus even if you monitor traffic with a tool like Wireshark or tcpdump you might not necessarily see the data packet sent by Intel ME.



Guess what? It's turned off by default and you need to pay extra to have it activated.


AMD has one too retard


Did you literally just hear about this yesterday? Goddamnit, /v/, your ignorance never ceases to amaze me.


This whole thread is stupid, but, for the record, that's not true. In fact, even now for most cases, it's impossible to turn off IME because of Watchdog. You need IME to boot.


AMD pre-2012 doesn't have PSP. Final post. I promise.

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