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Drugs are a multi-billion industry, and for it to exist, there must be people who buy it. Do you think it's just norms and chads? Those are the least likely users of (hard) drugs. For lonely people with no prospects, stimulation of the mind, whether entertainment induced by playing video games, watching anime or doing drugs, is one of those things that keep us going. Tryptamines reign supreme in this regard. I am very disappointed in the recent, teenager induced anti-drug campaigns on the /jp/sphere. Getting drugs in today's society is easier than ever and with virtual currencies, and are available to anyone with a little bit of brain.

Share your drug experiences.


i did weed some but everytime it makes my mouth really dry and my body all trembly and I dont like it. i wanted to try shrooms or acid once but those are supposedly bad to do alone so alcohol it is


Drugs are degenerate and turn people into mindless zombies.


wibbly wobbly stoned whatfriends


im taking predisone for 3 months


>Do you think it's just norms and chads
No it's failed norms too.


Drug threads were always deleted in early /ota/ com era, I don't remember many drug threads from the tk/net era so I can't say for sure if they were deleted.

>teenager induced

Do you have a single fact to back that up?


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hypnotic and sedative drugs are one of the most effective means of disengaging from the spectacle


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I vaped cannabis pretty much everyday for over 2 years now.

It doesn't really make you feel good, just different, but if you have a crappy life it can keep you from feeling discontent. Also it makes masturbation feel a lot better.

I think it's basically harmless, and you can use it everyday without any negative consequences.


Anime, videogames and internet are the only drugs I need.
I think some of the stigma associated with drugs on /jp/ is it takes some social skills to acquire illegal drugs.
They're also pricey. A zero income NEET and/or hikikomori can't download cocaine like he downloads his dating sims.


You can buy drugs online with bitcoin, get them mailed to your house.

Maybe some NEET bought a few bitcoins when they were $10 and now they're worth $7000 each. Maybe some NEETs have inheritance money or savings in a bank account.

Cannabis is also extremely cheap, far cheaper than food or alcohol, it costs me less than $1 a day with daily use.

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