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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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>Artistic works located in public places can be reproduced freely by photograph, film, etc.

>Teachers at non-profit educational institutions are permitted to reproduce copyrighted works for the purpose of teaching

>Works can be performed or exhibited freely if the performer is not remunerated, and the audience is not charged

>Works may be quoted freely

>Software can be reproduced for personal use

>The use of an orphan work, an in-copyright work whose owner cannot be found, on the internet, subject to approval from the Japanese Ministry of Culture.


>Works can be performed or exhibited freely if the performer is not remunerated, and the audience is not charged
So if a band does a live cover they can get in trouble?


This is true in the US too. The Happy Birthday song was a common target. (I think)


I don't even mean releasing it as a recording. You have to pay to see a concert so if you perform someone else's song, with the way it's worded, it sounds like you could get in trouble.


US has it tougher, any sort of performance or publication of a cover song would be copyright infringement. But almost no one would actually enforce this. Even on youtube, where it's easy to strike a video down, the most they'll likely do is just take the ad revenue or something.


You say that like those examples aren't a flagrant abuse of a system that is inherently unethical simply because they aren't 100% transgressive.


uhh, okay????

(what a nerdo…)


Y-you're a nerdo!!!


Yeah that's what I'm saying too. You need to get rights to perform copyrighted songs, I think.


How is it not copyright infringement when an artist draws a character of a franchise owned by a certain person or company? I'm dumb


It is.



Then why isnt there a major police crackdown with tear gas and riot troops and everything every Comiket?


What I mean is why don't they just arrest artists and doujin circles if they're technically copyright infringers and therefore performers of illegal activities. Or at least apprehend the material. If copyright applies to fictional characters then how come I can buy doujin about basically everything in broad daylight? It doesn't make sense.


Because nobody cares or wants to. It's too popular, too profitable, and too accepted by the general public and is therefore de facto legal. If it were to be enforced it would need to be pushed by the companies that own the characters, which they all know would be a PR nightmare.


I think it actually counts as satire. Also it does not actually cause the author any harm but could actually benefit them by getting people more interested in it, just imagine what Touhou would be like without doujins and such.


>I think it actually counts as satire
Japan doesn't have the same fair use laws as the US. The Japanese version of Wikipedia has far fewer images than any other because of this.


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