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>Do IQ test and say I am 13
>Score 130
>Did same IQ test and said I was 28
>Scored 102

What the heck. Why are children artificially smarter then me.


There is hundreds of online IQ tests. One person could take one test, score 160, then take another online IQ test and score 90.

When there is hundreds of different tests, the results are completely meaningless, because they're not standardized.

Only a standardized test can measure IQ, and that's currently the WISC/WAIS, which you can't take online.


>There is hundreds
>When there is hundreds

I hope you're just pretending to be retarded…


maybe he's pretending to be ESL?


"There is hundreds" wouldn't make sense in the second line.

You need the "When".


The when isn't the problem. Think about the number.
There ___ one IQ test.
There ___ two IQ tests.
There ___ hundreds of IQ tests.


I don't see the problem you're trying to point out.


You should smack your English teacher for not making sure you understood the difference between "is" and "are".


I didn't truly learn how to use commas and apostrophes until after graduating from high school.


Ok I'll admit it's wrong, but "there is <plural>" sounds phonetically correct to almost all English speakers.


4chan taught me spelling and grammar.


I can't imagine that you've asked "almost all" English speakers to confirm your claims. If you think it sounds correct to you when you read it or say it aloud, then whatever. You probably don't write or talk to others much with formal language. It's fine informally.


>You probably don't write or talk to others much with formal language

And you do? Are you writing internal memos to the CEO of the fortune 500 company you work at?


Yes, I write reports and essays.


Most English speakers don't speak proper English. It doesn't sound right to me but if you were a black American it probably would sound right.


All of my imageboard posts are written in formal English, unless I am shitposting.

I can imagine someone casually saying "There's some books over there" but not annunciating it like "there is two books on the shelf".


Actually I take it back, I can imagine someone saying the latter phrase, but it would sound wrong to me as a native speaker.


we wuz kangz


Anyone remember the whole grammar Nazi thing?


I was forced to flee to Uruguay.

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