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Wonder where /what/friends are


im the boy getting frigg*d. all of them


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I am ancap


>I consent
At 13, her consent glands aren't fully developed so it's literally impossible for her to consent.


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That's just like, your opinion, dude. A typical 13yo girl will, of course, not have a fully developed brain, but depending on the individual she can easily have over 100IQ and therefore have a more developed prefrontal cortex than some adults. Consent is a really stupid idea, since plenty of adults can't consent either, regret their sexual contacts and are more retarded than a typical pre-teen.

There's also no objective evidence to say that sexual, consensual contacts between minors and adults or two minors are harmful. Most thirteen year olds went through puberty and therefore are physically ready for sexual intercourse, no medical organization in the world considers sexual intercourse at that age to be a discrepancy of any sort.

If someone is capable of communicating by speaking a language to an advanced degree, creating sentences that are able to express abstract concepts, they are capable of consenting to any action as well. Simply ask a couple of questions to a person.
I'm gonna tell you a little story of mine. It happened when I was 18 and still had a head full of hair. My underage cousin, 12 at the time, was capable of a more concise and interesting conversation than anyone I've knew at the time, spare her father. She also had hots for me but at the time I was just 18 so I never did anything because I was dumb, even though she complimented me all the time (especially my hair) and did weird smiles all the time, in general her body language was screaming "I LOVE YOU, PLEASE KISS ME", she'd ask me questions like "How old do I look?" and would tear up a bit if I told her "you look your age", completely oblivious to a fact I'd totally rather fuck her being 12 than 16, contrary to her expectations. God I fucking regret not at least kissing her. Anyway, she was capable of speaking two languages (immigrant family) fluently, and she had an amazing amount of knowledge. I could have a serious discussion about history of geography, it was truly astounding for someone her age to have so much knowledge, she always used to say she wants to be smart and stuff. One year later she was capable of having a conversation with me in English (we are non-English speaking Europeans), so by age of 13 she knew 2 languages fluently and 1 on a conversational level. She spoke more languages than me at the time. That alone puts her pretty damn high on my intelligence scale. And you're telling me someone capable of this much higher thought isn't capable of consenting to a sexual intercourse? You can research what sex is or what a dick looks like by entering one word into google. It's not some magical, otherworldly thing, you just put your meat into another person's meat-hole. Consenting to it is not much of a deal contrary to what normies tell you.

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