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Suddenly, everyone wants to know how DirectX 11 is doing.

I figured that is what you were actually here for. Let's start with the news of some of the applications we've tried. Note that this work is not in CrossOver 15 because we do not believe it is ready for prime time.

Gauntlet fails to launch. This is a high improvement over it not launching because it no longer states that the system cannot handle the game.

Bioshock Infinite hangs on launch, same deal, it doesn't say the system is not capable, so it's progress.

Trials Fusion flags an error on launch, it needs a few more pieces put in place.

GRID Autosport is a tease. It launches, puts its splash across the screen and then hangs.

Toybox Turbos launches to a black screen and hangs.

Final Fantasy XIV launches its patcher and begins to patch but the patcher does not get drawn so we have no idea how good of news this actually is.


The fact that any DX11 applications are working in Wine is impressive, seeing as how it wasn't possible at all just over a year ago.

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