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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1508194964505.png (2.82 MB, 1903x7908, Screen Shot 2017-10-17 at ….png)


Here is screenshot of front page from before.


File: 1508195297179.txt (800.4 KB, content.txt)

Here was the last content.txt I've got.


File: 1508195457561.png (303.86 KB, 853x480, ily.png)

(content.txt is the /t-p/ btw)

Here is ily.png. I just thought it was a nice image, so please douzo.


File: 1508195620912.png (415.81 KB, 1000x1092, 10-01 - Mononobe no Futo.png)

/what/friend also lost their special birthday card, so I repost it the birthday card for them.


/what/min i have screenshot of blog thread but i can't upload it because its dimensions are too big so idk what i should doushio. Is 1903x12660 pixelines.


Put it in a zip file and upload the .zip file


did we lose posts on sjis and butt


File: 1508196506673.png (1.02 MB, 1903x5635, Screen Shot 2017-10-17 at ….png)

Here is last 50 posts on #whatch for archival purposes only.

I don't think anyone will open a .zip file they found on /what/….

I put it on catbox instead, here is blog thread:


File: 1508196776916.gif (231.18 KB, 1000x1092, 10-01 - Mononobe no Futo2.gif)

Oh no! I posted the wrong birthday card!! I'm really sorry. Here is the proper .gif one.

This concludes all of my archives. I hope you enjoyed. I'm sorry it's not a proper archive, I was meant to have cool /what/scraper by now but I'm not good enough.

grrr i haet /what/mibn

but please yukkuri now.


i think there was maybe one or two /b*tt/s lost and also a post on /sjis/ that was something like "my c*mmer is free" and there was a reply with the snippity snip scissors character.


forever lost in rain of tears like cummers in the windowpane

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