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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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We're back up.

/what/ feels a lot worse than yesterday, that's because we have reverted back to August, particuarly during a period where Dani was spamming.

There was a lot of high quality posts lost, F


The backup and new OS install went much smoother than I planned, I thought this was going to take days.

Always remember to make backups of important data, this is very important.


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>all my poops are back


i hate you


i love you


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I didn't do it on purpose.

Somehow, don't know if I was hacked, had my entire /var folder deleted, containing /what/ and it's MySQL database. Had to install a new OS and restore /what/ from backups, unfortunately from August… I will make more frequent backups from now on.

It feels hard getting /what/ started again after losing so many posts.


Trev hacked you. He's jealous I've been posting on your site instead of his. Sorry, i'll give him a good talking to.


on the bright side, think of all the trips/quads/etc we'll be able to GET again!


It's daijoubu as long as there's /what/frens there'll always be /what/!


shikata ga nai ne but if you're hacked, should we be worried?


No. If I was hacked, it wasn't like he got root access, is was like he caused file-system corruption in files/folders releated to my webserver.

It was either that, or a really severe bug, which I view as more likely, possibly related to libvirt.


i fricken hate you!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!


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think of all the ways for muki to be disappointed again…

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