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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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>Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.

>Time is often referred to as the fourth dimension, along with the three spatial dimensions.

did you learn this in grade school whatmin


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No, I was in a majority-black school and 90% of them literally couldn't read, even in 4th/5th grade.

Time can be slowed down if you move fast.

Spacetime, laws of physics, time dilation, theory of relativity, I've skimmed over these subjects and they're so incredibly complex, and so well defined even by mathematical equations, that I don't understand how people ever figured this out, especially 100+ years ago.

I consider myself to be smart, but that's only relative to most people. I am retarded compared to men who can truly understand these subjects.


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>I am retarded

- whatmin


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how can light have momentum if it doesn't haev mass


Not every fact is truth


>I've skimmed over these subjects and they're so incredibly complex
Read: I've looked at the Wikipedia articles but haven't read them in full.


why couldn't I be born with a thirst for knowledge, why is attempting to understand things so boring.


>but haven't read them in full.

Wouldn't matter if I did, I wouldn't understand the subjects, and neither would you.

Don't even try to lie and say you understand these things.


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>Don't even try to lie and say you understand these things.
>I am retarded compared to men who can truly understand these subjects.
You said it, not me, retard.

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