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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1497088852950.png (590.15 KB, 1280x720, ember.png)



This is the guy that shot up a supermarket killing 3 people. There's 30+ hours worth of video to examine, with 17 hours worth of suicide tapes, and childhood videos.

Basically his waifu was a character named Ember that showed up in _one_ episode of Danny Phantom. He got obsessed and created an entire fan-fiction world based around her. This is her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBMOc24_aIw

The basic gist is that he was tired of life in general, and he just couldn't handle the wageslave normie system. He worked at the supermarket, and the people he killed were his co-wokers. However he actually believes, or at least hopes, that after he dies he'll meet up with Ember and his other fan-fiction characters. He made a wiki with backstories for the characters he made, these backstories are very obvious projections of himself and his own life.


He was making incredibly edgy/cringy videos months back with huge warning signs, basically saying he wants to kill people. He liked MLP too.

This is probably going to be one of the better remembered killers on the chans. It's a new world, with everyone on the internet psychotic killers now leave behind massive digital trails.




He did predict the winner of Superbowl 51 though.


I do remember that danny phantom girl.

but, in all honestly i cant blame him. This is just a higher grade byproduct of shooters and their availability of the internet. Everything will soon be live streamed with go pros when they become as mandatory as cell phones. Just for your entertainment!

My whole internet existence has been pseudonyms. I will be impressed if someone is able to link anything past my identities tied to my bank account. It's odd how this one has the same narcissistic/entitlement that elliot rodger had. These people will be re born as fleas on a donkey's ass in south america. There is no escape.

He looks like the columbine guy mixed with adam lanza. He is killing people basically for the same reason Muslims do it.

This also feels crazy forced and stereotyped to a T that i find it hard to believe. I don't believe in your shooting/bombing story if cant see someone dying on a video tape. Likely a recipient of those mk ultra radio waves! Some shitchan will worship him for the next 5 years like they always do.


yeah its weird for me to see people that obsessed with creating an identity online. i always have tried to disassociate all my online accounts. the internet is funner that way and you dont have to worry about creepy stalkers


>dont have to worry about creepy stalkers
I wouldn't be so sure about that, Matthew.


David is that you?


This is the cringiest thread EVER!



Reddit time.



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